Written by: Panos Fragkos, PCC, ICF| Certified Life, Career and Executive Coach

Unlock potential and guide young adults toward success with coaching. Discover the benefits and strategies to empower them to thrive. 

In today’s fast-paced world, young adults face a myriad of challenges and opportunities transitioning from adolescence into full-fledged adulthood. From making pivotal career decisions to navigating complex social dynamics, the journey can be overwhelming. I should know; I am 19 years old. But we do not have go on the journey alone. While traditionally associated with sports and executive development, coaching for young adults is an invaluable resource that can catalyze your personal and professional growth.  

I have been exposed to coaching principles for much of my life, as my mother is an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC). Recognizing its value, I was motivated to train and practice as a coach myself. It is a transformative experience. Coaching will help you see new perspectives and take new approaches in your life. A coach won’t tell you what to do. You are in control. You have all the solutions deep within you. A coach helps you find them.  

From my experience, here are seven ways coaching can assist you in the very transitional state of young adulthood.  

  1. Clarity and Direction

What career path should I take? What are my true passions? If you are asking yourself questions like these, you should seek coaching. A coach can help you find direction through tools and frameworks that encourage you to explore your personal values, strengths, and interests. This guided self-discovery enables you get clear on what you want and to make informed decisions about your future, reducing the anxiety and uncertainty that often accompany these choices. 

  1. Goal Setting and Achievement

Effective goal setting is a cornerstone of success in any endeavor. A coach can help you not only define clear, achievable goals, and but they will also help you develop a step-by-step plan to reach them. Whether it’s academic achievement, career milestones, or personal development, coaches provide the structure and accountability necessary to keep you focused and motivated. This disciplined approach not only leads to the accomplishment of specific goals but also fosters a habit of strategic planning and perseverance. 

I had a goal to not only become a coach but to also earn a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential. The process was rigorous and involved a large time investment. Balancing the work for the credential with my university studies was challenging, but maintaining a clear vision of my goals made it all worthwhile. I am now one of the youngest individuals in the world with the PCC credential. You too can dream big and achieve! A coach will help you map the path to your dream and stay focused on your goals.  

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is critical for personal growth and effective decision-making. Through various assessments and reflective practices, coaching can help you gain a deeper understanding of your personality, behavior patterns, and emotional responses. With increased self-awareness, comes greater resilience and confidence. You will be better able to identify areas for improvement and leverage your strengths as you tackle new adventures in your life.  

  1. Skill Development

Coaching is not just about setting and achieving goals; it also involves the development of essential life skills. Communication, time management, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence are just a few examples of the skills that you can hone through coaching. My own communication skills have changed because of coaching. I am a better listener and a more effective communicator when speaking with others. These skills enable me to have deeper, more meaningful conversations.  

These types of skills are not only useful in your personal life, but they are also highly valued in the professional world, giving you a competitive edge in the job market. And you might even be able to get your employer to invest in coaching for your skills development. Approximately 29% of Gen Z workers receive coaching through their employer, and that number is expected to rise as our generation is actively seeking growth opportunities. 

  1. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Are you struggling with self-doubt and low self-esteem? You’re not alone. When asked about reasons for participating in coaching, increased self-esteem/self-confidence (32%) was the number one response from Gen Zers, according to the most recent ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study. 

Coaching provides a supportive and non-judgmental space where you can explore your fears and insecurities. Your coach will help you shift from a mindset of self-doubt to self-empowerment. With this newfound confidence, get ready to take on new challenges and pursue your aspirations like never before. 

  1. Better Stress Management

The transition to adulthood often comes with increased responsibilities and pressures, leading to stress and burnout. By working with a coach, you will gain effective stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and cognitive-behavioral strategies. These tools enable you to manage stress more effectively, maintain your well-being, and sustain high performance across various aspects of life. 

  1. Support and Accountability

Having a coach means having someone who believes in you and is invested in your success. This supportive relationship provides a sense of accountability that is often missing in self-directed efforts. Together, you will celebrate your aha moments and breakthroughs. Knowing that someone is there to guide, support, and challenge you can be a powerful motivator to stay on track and strive for excellence. 

Life is full of transitions, and young adulthood is a period marked by significant changes, such as moving out, starting a new job, or entering a serious relationship. With a coach, you can learn how to navigate these transitions smoothly. With newfound clarity, boosted skills, and increased confidence, you can pursue your dreams with purpose and resilience. In a world that demands adaptability and continuous growth, coaching provides a solid foundation for you to navigate your journey with greater ease and success. 


More About the Author

Panos Fragkos Headshot

Panos Fragkos 
PCC, ICF| Certified Life, Career and Executive Coach 

Panos Fragkos is a distinguished scholar in Hospitality and Tourism Management, with an emphasis on communication and human-centric methodologies. He is one of the youngest individuals to earn an ICF PCC credential in the world.   

As a professional, Panos serves as a part-time coaching project manager and life coach at Life Self Coaching P.C. There, he excels in supporting a diverse international clientele and co-designing corporate learning programs tailored to their unique needs. 

Panos also holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, reflecting his belief that martial arts instil the self-discipline and focus necessary to achieve any goal. Additionally, he is passionate about composing electronic music. As an active member of ICF and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Panos is dedicated to participating in volunteer initiatives that contribute to making the world a better place.